Short Questions and Answers of the poem , My Own True Family

 Short Questions and Answers of the poem , 

My Own True Family

 Questions  and Answers : My Own True Family

1.Who wrote 'My Own True Family'?

Ans: Ted Hughes wrote the poem, 'My Own True family '.

2.Where did the poet creep?

Ans: The poet crept in an oakwood.

3.What was the poet looking for?

Ans: The poet was looking for a stag.

4.What did the poet do creeping in an oakwood?

Ans: Creeping in an oakwood, the poet was looking for a stag.

5.Whom did the poet meet in the oakwood?

Ans:The poet met an old woman in the oakwood.

6.What did the old woman hold inside her little bag?

Ans: The old woman held poet's secret inside a little bag.

7.Who began to cackle?

Ans: The old woman began to cackle.

8.Who began to quake?

Ans: The poet began to quake.

9.When did the poet begin to quake?

Ans: When the old woman began to cackle, the poet began to quake.

10.Who opened up the little bag?

Ans: The old woman opened up the little bag.

11.How many times did the poet come awake ?

Ans: The poet came twice awake.

12.When did the poet come twice awake?

Ans: When the old woman opened up her little bag, the poet came twice awake.

13.What does the word 'stag' mean?

Ans :The word  'stag' means male deer.

14.What made the poet 'twice awake'?

Ans :The dream-secret that was inside the little bag of the old woman made the poet 'twice awake'.

15.What did the poet see when the old woman opened up her little bag ?

Ans :When the old woman opened up her little bag , the poet saw that he was surrounded by a staring tribe and he was tied to stake.

16.What did the oak-trees say to the poet ?

Ans :The oak-trees told the poet that they were his own true family .

17. What did the oak-trees complain ?/What did the oak-trees accuse the poet of ?

Ans : The oak-trees accused the poet of his cruelty of staring at them when they are chopped and torn up.

18.What would happen to the poet if he failed to  make a promise ?

Ans : If the poet failed to make a promise he would die and the black oak bark would wrinkle over the poet and root him among the oak-trees.

19.What promise did the poet have to make ?

Ans :The poet had to promise that he would plant two trees when one would be felled down.

20.How did the dream alter the poet ?

Ans :The dream  altered the poet by transforming his heart into a tree.

21.What is message of the poem ?

Ans :The poet says that human being and trees should thrive as a single family and human beings should look upon trees as their own true family.

22.What altered the poet?
Ans :The dream beneath bough altered the poet.

23.How was walk of the poet when he came out of the oakwood?

Ans:When the the poet came out of the oakwood, his walk was the walk of human child.

24.How was the heart of the poet when he came out of the oakwood?

Ans:When the the poet came out of the oakwood, his heart was a tree.
