
Bengali meaning of the sonnet no.18 of William Shakespeare , /Bengali meaning of Shall I compare thee to a summer's day ?

Write a report on 'Science Exhibition'.

Answer the following questions of "On Killing a Tree"

Short Questions and Answers of The Sick Rose

Alexander who was the King of Macedonia invaded India? (Change into simple sentence)

Change into simple sentence : Practice Set-1 For All

How to move File / Folder of Desktop to another Folder?

How to delete File / Folder from Desktop?

How to open File / Folder on Desktop?

How to make a folder on the Desktop?

How to create a shortcut for a file / folder on the desktop?

How to create a file on the desktop ?

Write a letter within 100 words to the owner of the store to find the book and keep it until you come to collect .

Write a paragraph on the water cycle .

Write a paragraph on the benefits of early morning exercise . :CLASS: X ,WBCHSE

Truth cannot be hidden (Use the adjective form of Truth)