Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problem faced by commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles.


Q.Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (within 100 words) about the problem faced by commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles.


The Editor 

The Statesman 

4 ,Chowranghee Square


Subject : Reckless driving of public vehicles 

Respected Sir,

I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the columns of your esteemed daily to express my views about reckless driving of public vehicles 

Reckless driving has now become a new menace, causing a great threat of life to the pedestrians as well as to the passengers.At present journey by bus or mini-bus has been awfully perilous. The drivers drive their vehicles at break-neck speed.Their mad and senseless competition sometimes becomes so fatal that it snatches life. They did not pay heed to the traffic  rules./They did not follow the traffic rules/

They seem to have no respect for traffic rules.) In most cases, road accidents take place on account of reckless driving. Besides, overtaking is common to all drivers. Several accidents were caused in the past for overtaking. Very often the bikers break the traffic rules and regulations.Many innocent people are to pay for this unregulated driving.(There are policemen to control the traffic, but everybody knows that reckless driving does not affect the traffic police. /Traffic police is not adequate to control this situation.)They keep standing as passive onlookers.

Under the above circumstances I therefore ,request you to write the leading article on the topic so that government or concerned authority should take appropriate steps as early as possible.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,


Bishnupur, Bankura, 


10th April,2022
